
Hit the Silk! Store

Created by Brendan Mills

Desperate Highjackers on a plane losing altitude tussle for the last parachutes in this game of suspense and treachery. Can you hold your nerve?

Latest Updates from Our Project:

From the factory...
almost 3 years ago – Tue, Jun 01, 2021 at 12:03:08 PM

Hey all, hope you're all well. I have just a short update for you this morning. 


 We've had an update from LudoFact on production... just a couple of photos to show the production of the cards from the Extra Cargo pack. I had a zoom in and can just make out what looks like the linen texture. So everything is moving along nicely with production. 

Extra Cargo cards!


Today is the last day for getting over your order details to us through BackerKit. After this, we can't guarantee customs-friendly shipping (if we were offering it in your region). There's about 21 backers we need details from. Of course, we'd like you all to be among the first to get a copy.

German Language

One of our backers has kindly dedicated a lot of time and effort to making a community translation. All of the relevant files have been uploaded to Board Game Geek. It's also been done for the Extra Cargo add on pack. 



Production Update
almost 3 years ago – Wed, May 19, 2021 at 10:48:32 PM

Hi all

Happily - things are way, way ahead of schedule! It's looking like the final assembly of the game will happen in June/July. 



We will finalise the orders through BackerKit on June 1st and charge cards. You'll be given a 48 hour notice of this happening as well as reminders being sent today for backers who haven't got round to it yet. We need this information to calculate numbers that will be shipping to each of our fulfilment partners. This is the last day on which we guarantee customs-friendly shipping to UK/US/Canada.  

July 30 - Aug 1: UK GAMES EXPO


We're exhibiting at the UK Games Expo! We're hoping to be able to showcase Hit the Silk! at the show and unveil it as a new release, but it will depend on the production schedule. It is looking promising though. Please come and say 'Hi!' - we will be delighted to meet you and of course, the stand will have some interesting things to see and interact with and maybe a few giveaways. 


As before with our Stop the Train! campaign, we intend to fulfil games in this order:

  • First to Germany & EU (LudoPackt)
  • Secondly to UK (Zatu Games)
  • Thirdly to USA/Canada (Quartermaster Logistics)

We are still investigating the best option for distributing to other destinations, whether they be sent direct from Germany or from UK/US. Further communication will be made nearer the time of despatch. There will be another update about delivery dates in due course. 


We've experimented with some colours and settled on a blueish grey seaplane as white was proving problematic. We're happy with the result:

Final Colour chosen for Seaplane


We've got another day of playtesting Extra Cargo happening on Monday, but a draft version of the rules has been created and we don't foresee too many changes. Presently, this is linked by QR code/url from one of the cards in the deck for a digital copy of the rules. This approach has afforded us more playtesting time and we hope will land us with a more comprehensively considered ruleset as well as the ability to adapt it going forward. 

A designed booklet of the rulebook is queued, but we anticipate this will not be included in the add-on due to time constraints but available as a download to print or refer to. 

We have yet to add imagery, but you can see the Work in Progress here.

Also, Extra Cargo is proving really fun in the end game and the variety of outcomes most enjoyable.


When we were first testing Hit the Silk! we often joked that a player left behind could escape by stitching together four flannels to make a rudimentary parachute. This was before we introduced the 'Land the Plane' ending. We experimented with this rule and whilst it was really fun, it undid all of the conspiracy and treachery as players went deliberately seeking four flannels as a strategy. It became too easy to orchestrate a win for everyone. However, we have left a residue of this idea in the deck... 

If you can find this Easter Egg, and the way to jump and manage to pull it off, then send me a message with what you did and I will approve the four-flannel-rule attempt. You might even get a prize if you're the first... and that is the only time I will mention the Easter Egg.

That's all for now - have a great Tuesday.


Update on Minis
almost 3 years ago – Tue, May 11, 2021 at 04:50:49 PM

Hey all, 

A short update for you. Everything is all going to plan this end. 

Hit the Silk! artwork files are all with the manufacturer and ready to start being made next month in Germany. 

The minis (made in the UK) and have been ordered too. They will be fitted into a snug black card box, which is designed for protection in shipping. Barcodes have arrived for these and it's all on schedule. 


The silver mini add-on is being increased to match the size of the game board and we're also increasing its wingspan. 

The Mini Plane size has increased! (Left Plane)

Change of Plan

Not so much luck with the Seaplane... we've printed a few test seaplanes in white. Unfortunately, we can't get the kind of quality we're looking for. The laser is burning off the white paint in an unappealing way. Our options here are to experiment with other colours (we're trying a blueish grey) or to supply in natural wood, or in silver. I'm leaning towards natural at this stage. 

White Painted seaplane hasn't passed Quality Control

It's not too late to add either of these to your pledge... there's a couple of weeks still before we lock the orders. 

Extra Cargo Game Play Guide

This has been created and we are currently proofreading and sense checking the instructions. 

Split Shipping

We've despatched any orders with split shipping for Stop the Train! Hopefully some of them will have landed already. 

New Game Announcement!

This Spring, Escape Plan Board Games will be announcing its next planned game... stay tuned for updates here or on our social media @escapeplanboardgames



Project Timings
about 3 years ago – Sat, May 01, 2021 at 05:09:02 PM

Hey all

I want to thank you for the positive response to the backer survey - over 80% of you have let us know your shipping details and which add-ons you are interested in receiving. Keep them coming!

Linen Backed Cards

We've had a really positive number of you show interest in the Extra Cargo pack. As such, we're able to announce that both Hit the Silk! and Extra Cargo will benefit from linen-backed cards, effectively unlocking one of the project stretch goals. 

Project Timings

May 3rd: 

We will lock any orders with split shipping for Stop the Train! and charge cards. So, if you've added Stop the Train! or it is included in your pledge, then you have 48 hours to decide whether you want early delivery of this game. It will still be available after these orders are locked, but not for early delivery. 

Available on BackerKit

May 5th: 

We will despatch any pledges that include early delivery of Stop the Train! (please note that if you have also ordered The Silver Flame, then that will be delivered later along with Hit the Silk!)

June 1st: 

We will lock any placed orders (hopefully everyone will have submitted their details by then) and charge cards. You'll be given a 48 hour notice of this happening. This gives our manufacturers foresight of item counts and enough time to manufacture. 

Mid June: 

Production starts of Hit the Silk! We've already submitted final artwork and finalised the specifications, putting us slightly ahead of the proposed December delivery schedule, which gives us some breathing room if we face any unexpected errors or freight delays. Simultaneously, we will place an order for minis associated with the game - these are made in the UK. We will also set a final date for surveys, which is the last opportunity to benefit from customs-friendly shipping for Europe and North America. 


Things will go quiet for a while, but we are considering exhibiting at the UK Games Expo at the NEC in Birmingham. We will announce if that plan goes ahead. 

In the background, we will be continuing to play-test the Extra Cargo pack for final tweaks and maybe look at developing further some of the other game concepts we have in our mind. 

Many thanks again for the support and thanks especially to some of you that showed up for our Twitch livestream at the virtual Expo last weekend. The videos stay up for another week or so if you want to see live plays of either game. 


Brendan, Kerry and the Escape Plan team

Retailer Pledges
about 3 years ago – Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 12:13:05 AM

Retailer Pledges

You can skip this update if you're not a retailer!

Retail Pledges Now Live!

If you're a retailer (online or bricks and mortar), and you like to pledge for retail copies of Hit the Silk! or Stop the Train! then that is now possible through BackerKit. Apologies this is a little late as we had some technical difficulties.

Regions Available

Please note that retail copies are only available in Europe and North America through BackerKit. If you are interested in stocking retail for another region, please contact [email protected]

Transfer to a new pledge level

I have identified a dozen or so backers whose email addresses indicate they are connected to retail outlets and changed their pledge level already. If you also would like to switch your pledge level, you can request that directly with me (quicker) providing details of your store... or through BackerKit. 


Please get in touch if the shipping cost is unexpected. Due to a conflict with weight-based shipping, we've had to use a workaround. For European customers, we have offered free shipping for ordering 2+ boxes of Hit the Silk (24 units). If you're not seeing that, then get in touch and we will manually correct it. 

Retailer who didn't back during the campaign?

Please contact [email protected] and we can set you up in the new pledge level.

Hopefully I've got all that right, but do get in touch if anything is amiss and I will endeavour to correct it swiftly. Thanks again, 
